Our Favorite Peloton Spin Instructors

We love our Peloton, it is so much more than an exercise bike
(although like an exercise bike, it is very easy to go extended periods without a workout)

The differences are the Metrics and the Instructors
We rate instructors on the similar basis to what we like in SPIN classes at the locate gym
We want a workout instructor who is motivating, informative – entertaining is not bad
For some reason, we want them to be participating (and sweating) in the SPIN with us
(not apparently SPINNING on low resistance, so they don’t sweat, don’t lose their breath, and can talk non-stop)
It is pretty obvious who those instructors are (I won’t list them)

Our favorite instructors are:
Sam Yo: Good Music, Good Workout, Very Basic and Consistent (which is why we like him) Sam is definitely not a story teller or bragger, but he may have mentioned recently that he was once a monk
Hannah Frankson: Good Workout, Contemporary Music, she sweats with us, penetrating eyes, but doesn’t spend the time grinning and giggling, she seems real and grounded
Ben Aldis and Alex Toussaint: Good, Hard, Serious Workouts
Tunde Oyeneyin (sometimes great music and appreciates the music)
Jen Sherman (nerdy in a good way, not fake)
Cody Rigsby (genuine and entertaining always worth a look)

For some reason, it is important to us that the instructor is doing the same work-out with us
We like to see them get out of breath and sweat (at least a little)
(we lose some respect for them, if they seem to be spinning on low resistance, while talking none-stop about big serious work outs they have done)
Keep the Talk Relevant (we are accepting of other’s life choices, but we are not here to focus on their relationships and alternative social situations) A little is OK (it is fine), but this shouldn’t span the entire workout
(that would not go over at the gym – maybe it is good “Peloton” talk, but we usually avoid this)
The typical line is: “She had a difficult time with relationships until she joined the Peloton Community” and was saved
Hair Swishers: There are some instructors, usually with a pony-tail that seem to be obsessed with swishing their hair, tossing their head, sweeping the hair and primping. Nothing wrong with fit and attractive instructors, but sometimes it is too much for us (and turns us off) we want a real workout partner, not (a faker) someone so preoccupied by their long hair
Too much, So much enthusiasm, that it is fake and annoying (mugging and joking and insincere)

My comments are probably (“obviously”) shallow, I am often wrong, but usually present just-a-little truth
In the end, I love my Peolton.  I abandoned it for a month in December and was glad to return.
It is not the big trend anymore, but I haven’t yet tapped the full range of programs
The classes, instructors and equipment are quality
Peloton’s Administration is not so good. I had a problem with them charging my credit card for someone else’s membership and they were “deaf” (and totally incapable)
Hopefully their administrative weaknesses won’t sink the company, because I made a major investment and hope to enjoy it for a long time.

Probation: (sometimes when I ride the Peloton, I am grumpy and judgemental, this instructors bring out the worst in me, it doesn’t feel good, they seem uncomfortable and fake)
Christine D’Ercole: Talks at a volume slightly under the music (so I can listen to her, or not) She presents ideas, questions, stories and wisdom..She may be older then some other women instructors, she is usually smiling, maybe there is an knowing wink, but Christine avoids the grinning, giggling, artificial enthusiasm of some other instructors. Often head bragging of her Bike Racing Days
Bradley Rose
Denis Morton

If it is important for you to have glamorous instructor with good hair and make-up, who don’t sweat . . .
(a little fake, fake name, maybe fake boobs)
Ally Love
Jess King
Emma Lovewell
Kendall Toole
Leanne Hainsby